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  1. News
  2. TT-Rockstars - Junior Semi-finals!!

TT-Rockstars - Junior Semi-finals!!

24 April 2020 (by stjohnb)

************ Final Day Klaxon Alert!!!!************

Remember children, it's the final day in our class battles on TT-Rockstars. I am delighted to see how many of you have supported your team's efforts and even at this late stage, anyone could still go through to Monday's final.

The current scores at the time of writing this are:

Year 3 (11,005)     Vs     Year 5 (10,049)

Year 4 (18,369)     Vs     Year 6 (35,091)

As you can see, there is still everything to play for so keep playing. Remember, the deadline is 3.00pm!!

Good luck and may the best classes win!