St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  3. Information on Car Park/Coronavirus

Information on Car Park/Coronavirus

13 March 2020 (by stjohnb)

Information on Car Park/Coronavirus

Dear Parents

The school remains open as per advice from a Chief Medical Officer.  The school is a clean building and we are able to monitor are children's hygiene and hand washing.  Please support us at home and encourage your children to wash their hands on a regular basis.  Whilst drinking water is not statutory it is nevertheless good practice to keep the human bodies immune system as effective as possible.  Should anyone have a temperature and a persistent new cough they should inform school and self isolate for a minimum of seven days.  I shall of course keep you informed if this advice change.

On a separate note there have been rumours about the car park in St James' being closed after Easter.  I regret to inform you that this is true and the reason I have not informed until now is because I was in consultation with the Diocese to consider a compromise where the parking spaces outside the Church Hall were out of bounds but leaving the remaining 20 or so places available for the schools and indeed the Church.  Following a meeting held earlier in the week the Church Representatives have passed on the bad news that they are unable to make any compromises.  The car park will therefore be closed to everyone on our return from our Easter Break however the MCA car park remains an option for you. 

Thanking you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Mr MacAreavy - Headteacher