St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. The Pearl of Africa visit

The Pearl of Africa visit

24 October 2019 (by stjohnb)

We are delighted to remind you that the choir will be spending the day at St John Bosco and Green Park schools tomorrow!

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder to let you know how excited we are that the Pearl of Africa will be spending the morning at St John Bosco tomorrow. Our children will have the pleasure of experiencing traditional African dance workshops, African singing, bead making activities and African drumming workshops.
The Pearl of Africa children will then be displaying an amazing traditional African dance and music performance to all of our children. Throughout the day and also after school, the group will also be selling their beautiful crafts and beads/bracelets on the playground and all parents and children will have a chance to meet these talented young people.

It would be wonderful if all children could bring in a donation, however big or small, to help the choir to raise as much as they can on the day of their visit to us. Or if children wanted to bring some money into school so that they could but a memento such as a bracelet, this would also be a fantastic way of supporting such a worthwhile cause.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to a truly inspiring day