Dear customer,
We are improving the security of IRIS ParentMail by introducing IRIS Identity — a solution that allows you to use the same account to log into all of your IRIS Software products.
As of 28th March 2023, we will be changing all staff and parent accounts to IRIS Identity. Once your account has been updated, you will be asked to create a new password when you next log in. There will be no other changes to your system as part of this upgrade, but if you have any issues during this process, please contact our Support Team.
If your staff members, parents, and carers already have an IRIS Identity account set up for another IRIS Software product, they can start using their existing account to log into IRIS ParentMail.
We will be posting an announcement in the IRIS ParentMail app to advise your parents and carers that this change is happening and what steps they should take. If you receive any questions from parents and carers regarding the update, you can direct them to our IRIS ParentMail App Help Centre.
If you have any questions regarding IRIS Identity, please visit our IRIS Identity Help Centre.
Kind Regards,
Simon Freeman
Managing Director for Education
IRIS Software Group