St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update 25.03.22

Friday Update 25.03.22

25 March 2022 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

A beautiful week of weather brings an extremely busy five days to a close.  Last Friday our Year 2 Football Team took part in the Chesterfield Sports Partnership at Goals in Netherton.  The boys played extremely well together and reached the semi-final.  We were all delighted, but the icing on the cake was the comments received for their behaviour on the bus and during and in between the matches.  We are extremely proud of them and so are their class. 

This week saw our children complete their end of spring term assessments in English and mathematics as well as reading and our teachers will use these to plan for your children throughout the summer term.  They will have used some of this information as part of your parent’s evening and I am delighted that so many of you are thrilled with our provision as well as how much your child enjoys coming to school.   I shall pass on many of your positive comments to our governing board who meet next Tuesday.  We are producing an online questionnaire to capture some of your thoughts and views about our school.  It is good to know the things that are great but we can only improve further if we share views about areas of school that could be further improved.  Some things sadly are unrealistic, a good example of this is the school swimming pool, that the infant children asked me to provide on a weekly basis.  I have spoken to each of your children’s teachers and they are clearly thrilled with the positive relationships that they have with you and your children and I know that this is something that has been a real help during the past two years of schooling and I would like to thank our teachers and support staff for everything that they have done and continue to do.

It was disappointing that we were the only school who took up the Gymnastics’ Competition but as a result our entire Year 5 Class have been invited to an afternoon of Gymnastics teaching by secondary specialists in Chesterfield High School’s Gymnasium.  They have even generously provided transport and I am sure that the children will have a fantastic time.

Year 6 Maths and English booster groups will continue next Monday and Tuesday and then continue when we return on Tuesday 19th April.

Our Year 5 children have enjoyed their Bikeability training and have been particularly fortunate with the beautiful weather.  The instructors have commented on the children’s excellent behaviour but more importantly on their resilience and how sensible they have been particularly when cycling on the highway. 

Our children’s playground upgrades have nearly been completed with a few final touches needed for our infant playground. I am sure that these will be well used by our children.  Can I ask that the infant children stay away from the area on Monday to allow the work men to complete their jobs. 

The Friends of St John Bosco have arranged for an infant and junior disco to take place next Wednesday 30th March

Infants 4.30-5.30pm

Juniors 6.00-7.30pm

Friends of St John Bosco will send further details

A group of our Year 6 girls have asked if they can organize a raffle next week, with all proceeds going to children in Ukraine.  They have bought prizes, raffle tickets and ask that children bring 50p or £1.00 throughout the week.  50p one ticket - £1.00 strip of five.  I think this is a lovely idea that the children have devised themselves and I for one will certainly be supporting them.  If you would like to make a family donation I am sure the girls will accept it gladly.

Stjbkidzone is becoming quite popular and we have spaces if you require this service.  Before children can attend please complete a parent contract – without a signed contract your child will not be able to attend.  Please ensure that if you have booked places that you know longer want, could you email by 1.30pm to cancel them, so Wendy and Kirsty can be informed.  Similarly, if you require a place and have not booked in, could you possibly give 24 hours’ notice, but definitely contact Stjbkidzone by 1.30pm on the day you require.

With the beautiful weather comes sunscreen, can I please ask that you put sunscreen on the children before they come to school and not bring it into school with the children.  This is to stop children sharing with other children who may have allergies or accidently squirting it in their eyes, this has happened a few times.  Please ensure your child brings a hat/cap and their water bottle during the better weather.  Sunglasses are not allowed unless prescribed.  Thank you for your continued support.

School will finish on Thursday 31st March at 2.00pm and children will return on Tuesday 19th April.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher