St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Year 6
  3. Year 6 General Update

Year 6 General Update

11 March 2022 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

It has been brought to my attention that perhaps communication with you has not been as I understood it to be. However, I would like to inform you that I shall now take this responsibility myself so that you are aware of 'all things Year 6'. I am pleased to inform you that Mrs Bretherton's operation is now over and she is convalescing at home. I have been in communication with her and she hopes to return to normal duties as soon as possible. I am pleased that I have been able to secure an excellent Year 6 supply teacher who has worked with the children since half term and this arrangement will continue ensuring that the children receive continuity until Mrs Bretherton's return. I have spoken at length with many of your children and they are enjoying their lessons and have informed my that they thing Mr McGaw is a good teacher who expects them to work hard. This is an important time and although all primary schools feel that SATs test for the current Year 6 are both inappropriate and unfair, the Department for Education has nevertheless decided that they are to proceed as normal. By way of further support our teachers including myself shall be providing extra tailored support in small groups of five or six children in both mathematics and english starting on Monday 14th March. This is not compulsory but I feel it would help your child to build their confidence as well as support them in any areas that need reinforcement. We do not ask our children to catch up as the very phrase can cause anxiety but I hope that you will encourage your child to take part in this support until they take their tests in May. The children will receive mathematic support each Monday and english each Tuesday after school until 4.15pm when they can be collected at the front of school as is usual practice.

We have decided to postpone parents evening for Year 6 children and plan to arrange online meetings where both Mr McGaw and Mrs Bretherton will be able to discuss your child's progress. I will obviously inform you of these times when we return after Easter.

I am always available particularly in the mornings if you wish to meet.

I hope you have a peaceful weekend.

Yours sincerely

Mr MacAreavy - Headteacher