St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update 10.12.21

Friday Update 10.12.21

10 December 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

This week brought us Storm Barra and the school and surrounding area was certainly battered by the high winds and torrential rains.  It is great to be able to inform you that the school remained safe and dry and although the children had to stay in for a few playtimes and lunchtimes the sound of laughing children echoed throughout the corridors. 

The teachers have been assessing the children’s progress this week and they have been given a range of activities and tests in their mathematics, reading, writing and other aspects of their English work.  We were able to keep our after-school clubs going as we could use our school hall as well as our polytunnel which has been a godsend during the spell of poor weather.

I continue to pass on your positive comments of support to the teachers who find them a great source of comfort at a time when they are trying to cope with a wide range of children’s ailments as well as delivering a rich, high quality curriculum. 

The Junior Carol Concert which will include some modern Christmas Songs as well as traditional Carols, has been recorded and will be available for everyone to enjoy next week.  Mrs Stockwell has sent the appropriate zoom links to all infant families.  We have managed to do this earlier than expected to give everyone an opportunity to make appropriate arrangements.  We will record Tuesday’s Nativity and that will also be made available on the school website for everyone to enjoy.  We feel that this will give families an opportunity to get together over Christmas and be entertained by their children.  A reminder that Christmas Dinner is Tuesday 14th December, Christmas Jumpers and Hats can be worn.  Payments are now open on Iris Parentmail for children who don’t normally have a school meal.  Please remember to bring a packed lunch if your child is normally on school meals and does not want a Christmas Dinner. 

We have been able to arrange a visit on Friday from John Harding who will once again deliver his amazing Magic Show in individual classes as he did last year.  The children always enjoy this and it will be a lovely way to end the week. 

The children have had a fantastic day wearing their Christmas Jumpers and recording carols as well as practicing their Nativity for you all next week.

Finally, can I thank you for your continued sensible approach to any child illness and although it is extremely difficult to differentiate between specific individual illness, the best thing to do is keep your child at home if they are ill.  If there are any suggestions that there may be a covid issue please continue to lateral flow and inform the school office.  As well as the well published symptoms it is worth noting stomach pains can be symptom of covid in children. 

Yours sincerely


Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher