St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update 02.07.21

Friday Update 02.07.21

2 July 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

Today is a wonderful Friday as we welcome back our Year 3, 4 & 6 children.  School has been a strange place without them.  We were devastated to have to send our Year 1 class on Wednesday and the distressing thing is that although they are only 6 years old they now understand what this means and they were clearly upset at having to go home when all they wanted is to remain in school where they should be learning and playing with their friends.

You will no doubt be aware of the heat being generated by the large numbers of pupils in secondary schools that are being sent home.  Little seems to be mentioned about the dilemma that the primary sector faces and clearly something must change.  I am hopeful that we will all be given some instruction rather than guidance as to how we can keep our children in school if they are well. 

To this end can I ask that you continue to monitor your children and if they are ill, keep them at home.  If you feel they are displaying any of the symptoms we have outlined for you a test would be best.  If it is positive please inform the school office.

May I remind you that Fr Grant’s Parish Mass will take place this Sunday at 1.00pm in the Prayer Garden beside Our Lady’s Church.  I hope you have a peaceful weekend and from a die-hard Scotland fan I wish England the very best of luck as they face Ukraine on Saturday evening.

Yours sincerely

Mr MacAreavy - Headteacher