St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Year 3
  3. Class Self Isolation - Year 3

Class Self Isolation - Year 3

21 March 2021 (by stjohnb)

21st March 2021

Dear Parents

I am sorry that I have to inform you that a member of class in Year 3 has tested positive for Covid 19 and as a result the class must isolate. I have attached the official documentation for your reference on Parentmail. As a result children who have been in school this week will be able to return after the Easter break and children will be able to access remote learning from Monday to Friday.

Can I thank you for your continued support and remind you that we do not expect you to be teachers at home, but we have arranged google classroom for school work and zoom registration at 9.00am with further instruction from Miss Briscoe,  I hope your children will enjoy there lessons until we are all able to return to school after the Easter Break. I shall remain available in school from 7.00am each morning.

Can you please confirm receipt of this letter via email or text the school mobile on 07753374969.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy